A Stubborn Perspective To Life

2 min readAug 13, 2021

Life, what an easy word,
Life, that tells you your worth,
Life, that complains you need no one,
Life, that teaches you, you need everyone,
Sometimes we care about it,
Sometimes we do not,
Sometimes things go right,
And sometimes everything goes wrong,
And one day I thought,
How weird is this so called “life”,
How disgusting are its traits,
People think its dependent on your fate,
You understand everything,
The problem starts with executing,
You always need people to guide,
And your soul to keep quiet,
This is how it works, right?
Small children are supposed to build up “shitty” skills,
‘In order to make their life mean,
If they don’t the world calls them mind-ills,
If tears roll down their cheeks,
They are called weak,
One day I thought,
Why can’t humankind be loyal to the word “kind”?
There’s no word as enough,
Little does it matter for us,
I pondered,
Am I so not life-worthy?
Don’t I deserve someone who’s trustworthy?
Am I so disobedient,
That my heart always craves for vengeance?
Am I so emotionally delicate,
That my soul is always in a crying state?
Your words kill my voice coming from deep,
It’s not a problem with communication skill,
It’s a problem with choking!
There are no good people in this world,
Everyone looks for their own worth,
There’s no teaching,
But only and only marketing,
As I said earlier, there’s nothing enough,
Doctor, Engineer, Business man, Millionaires,
It’s just not enough,
You need to be good,
You need to be polite,
You need to be lovely,
You need to be intelligent,
And most important,
You need money, lots of money,
Money! Is the preacher of the world,
We humans are so cruel, that when we come in existence,
We create pain for our mother,
When we leave our existence,
We create pain for our mother nature,
We kill greens,
We slaughter animals,
We, small desperate creatures,
disturb the whole cycle of earth,
We are so selfish,
That when it comes to sharing,
We become worse that the jellyfish,
In this human race,
We are so engaged,
We are force to live for others sake,
And once again I thought for the end,
Can I change?
Is it on my stake,
Everything’s fake?
But when? What’s the date?

